Thursday, October 06, 2005

GOD IS....

God is not only good
God is great, or so we say

God is kind
God is generous

God is full of blessing
God is ever giving

God is omnipotent
God makes everything's possible

God is everywhere
God comes cheap

God is a TV star
God is such a money spinner

God is a commodity
God is selling like hot cakes

In time when everyone's wish is to get closer to God. All they need to do is dress in rags, chant a prayer praising God
Doesn't matter if they don't mean it, doesn't even matter if they don't pronounce it correctly.
Just say someting God - ish, and people'll start throwing out their money
Hoping that the their little-more-than usual charity will buy their way to heaven

Building God a proper house is a bit trickier.
You need an army of idle youngsters to stand around in busy streets
Stretching out their fishing nets, staring threateningly to passers by.
It would be helpful to brandish a stick, come in handy to scratch those car who wouldn't even slow down.
Well, maybe they'll jam the traffic a bit, those idle kid. But it's OK.
People'll understand.
What wouldn't people give to get a house for God?

God makes the best selling show on TV
It doesn't matter if the story doesn't make sense, or if it's extremely violent, cos God would make it acceptable.
Its ok to picture super-mean underage villain conduct unthinkable evil. Justmake sure the good-girl say God's name every five minute or so
Oh, and don't forget to make God punish the villain severely in the end, herface melt in strong acid solutions for instance.
Another show of a pretty lady seeking fortune from a wicked old witch.
Maybe this other adult villain could rot in hell, or a snake could strangleher in her dying bed.
Her dead body oosing blood from her foul smelling womb.
Serves her right don't you think? She's been such a prodigy. Send her mother off on the street in the middle of lashing rain.
Said her mother was a nagging old useless slut.
But of course, a priest will pray for her. Ask God for forgiveness, and lether rest in peace.
That's the show was all about, repenting!
Although admittedly only a small amount of repentance scene is involved.
But God drives rating up, and that's what matters most.

God can make you a mighty healer too. Maladies are evil aren't they?
Evil makes people sick and the best way to cure it is to throw out. Relieveyour stomach, see.
And give them bottled-cure-all-repell-all-anointed oil. They're as good asamulets.
Soon you'll have congregations spring up like mushrooms everywhere. You'resuch a busy preacher that you have eight schedules a day.
Doesn't matter if you have to go to and fro all day, you'll only spend halfan hour or so.
You've talked about God's same word so often, you've got it all in yourhead.
Well, maybe in your heart once in a while, during quiet moments, you just don't have enough time now, so many people demanding it from you.

God needs you as defence armies.
As long as you fashion a banner bearing God's name you can do anything. .
Your business is meddling people's relationship with their God.
God gives you the right to get rid of those people wishpering God's name ina non-origin language.
People need to worship their God in ways you know and not others.
How can people hold fast to their faith if temptations are luring them tomaking sins?
So to prevent people from doing sinful things, you'll sure need to banishall temptations - literally.
Not from your mind, not from your heart, not with your strong will, but withforce.
Destroy them all, bring down their wall and cry out for God while doing so.
How can you resist God's will to be God's soldier.
It's a noble cause isn't it?


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