Friday, March 25, 2005

For My Girl Friends

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Buat my sister icuns yang pada sedih ..., mungkin gua bukan orang yang dekat dengan kalian, tapi gua care sama semua-semua yang elo-elo alamin.
I know how hard it is, and I'm not gonna say stop feeling sad.
Because I know how sat it is, and I know it's hard to deal with.
But beter to deal with it now and get it over soon,
than to let the talons of pains gnaw deeper and get harder to unclaw

If you love him that much, set him free
If he returns, he's always yours
If he doesn't, he never was
And even then you lose nothing
Cause you can't lose what you never have

Yang tabah ya gurls, we're going to get through this together
and remember, if you can't have the one you love, then love the one you have


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