Friday, September 09, 2005

Fools Riddle (the answer)

Here's the answers to the question's I gave yesterday :

1. It's a coffin.

2. Mount Everest, (it just hadn't been discovered yet).

3. She lives on the Southern Hemisphere.

4. They always fall in the same year. Christmas came in very late in the year, and New Year came in very early of the same year.

5. Neither is correct, the yolk of the egg is yellow.

6. Dead man cannot marry anyone.

7. Because they're husband and wife

8. Noah put animals on the Ark, not Moses.

Score :
7-8 correct = can't be fooled
5-6 correct = no fooling
3-4 correct = fool's gold
1-2 correct = feeling foolish
0 correct = fooled you!!!


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